Dear Mission Supporters and Friends:
It’s hard to believe that 4 months have already gone by in 2018. For our schools in Nicaragua, they have been in session for the new school year for 3 months already. We have been working on the student’s updates with their new pictures and changing their school grades for the past few months. It takes a lot of time to get the students pictures taken and put in our data base with all the changes to send out to all the sponsors. We are happy to say that we have finished all the updates and enclosed in this newsletter are your child(ren)’s picture(s), that is if you are part of our children’s sponsorship program. Please know there could be changes with your child(ren). Sometimes, we have children that move away or leave our schools. These things we have no control over. We are just blessed to have 1000’s of children in our schools and programs, that we can minister the unconditional love of God. PLEASE BE SURE TO LOOK AT YOUR CHILD(REN)’S PICTURE(S) AND NAME(S), IF YOU ARE MAKING THEIR BIRTHDAY CARE BOX(ES)! THAT WAY YOU HAVE THE CORRECT AND UPDATED CHILD(REN)’S INFORMATION ON THEIR BOX(ES). We appreciate your love and sponsorship for the children in our schools; plus, the gifts you make or have us make to bless them. It is really changing and blessing these children.
Birthday Care Boxes Due by May 16th for Nicaragua:
This is the FINAL reminder, that if you want to make a Birthday care box for the child(ren) you sponsor, they are due to us by May 16th. If you want us to make it for you, please be sure to send in the enclosed slip with the recommended donation to us by May 16th. We will be shipping on May 25th and this container will be there for our August mission trip. We will get to celebrate all the children’s birthdays at one time during our trip at our schools and feeding programs. It will be a BIG exciting time for the children. We are so thankful for you going the extra mile to be sure the children are so blessed! Our staff has had a blast making 1000’s of care packages for the children. We hope you received the VIDEO EMAIL we sent out on April 12th. It showed some of our staff making the birthday care packages, packing new shoes, doing newsletters and office work. We wanted you to see a NORMAL working day in our Mission’s building. If you did not receive the EMAIL, please contact us to be sure we have your email address. We believe you would enjoy seeing it. We want to start sending out VIDEO EMAILS a few times a year, so you can see more of what we are doing in missions!!
Update on our New School in San Francisco, Nicaragua:
We are so blessed by all the response we have received from so many partners with help for our new school going up in San Francisco, Nicaragua. We have already spent over $35,000.00 on this project and have about $25,000.00 more to go for it to be ready to use. Right now, we have bought the land, put in a $15,000.00 water well, put the building up with the roof, and getting ready to put the pipes in from the well to the building for the kitchen and bathrooms. The next things we need to do is put a security wall, which is going to be big and around $13,000.00. Then next, is to put the windows, electricity, lights, septic tank, doors, toilets, etc. which will be around $12,000.00. We have some money raised to continue the project right now. So, we thank God for the outpouring of love for this new school project. When the project is finished, we will use it first for an after school and feeding program, until we get other classrooms built and the children are use to coming. This school will be a LIGHT in the darkness!!! Our hearts are so FULL of JOY to see this school progressing like it has this past year.
Update on the Fixing of the After School in Acuna, Mexico:
We want to say a BIG thank you to our partners for giving to help us fix the damage to our roof, classrooms and bathrooms at one of our After Schools in Acuna, Mexico. The roof had a bad leak from so many storms. The water came in the building and did a lot of damage. Because of your love and help, we have been able to fix it all. They finished the roof and sheet rock and now they are putting up the crown molding and painting it all. In the June newsletter, we will have pictures to show you of the completed work. We are very grateful for your love and help. We raised enough to do this project, plus have enough left to do the cement floors in another one of our After School classrooms in Acuna, Mexico. Thanks a million times over!!
Update on House Projects:
We have been really blessed with partners giving to build homes for families in our programs living in shacks or without a home. We are building at least 2 homes every 7-8 weeks in Nicaragua and 1 home every 5-6 weeks in the Philippines. Now we are also building homes again in Acuna, Mexico. We will be building a home for one of our families in Acuna, Mexico that have been with us since they were children. They are now grown and married with children. They help us in our After School programs and in our main church. We look forward to starting that home in the next few weeks. We are thankful for the donations of $4800-$5000, we receive to do the homes. It is giving these families in our schools, churches or programs a NEW LIFE!! They go from dirt floors, no windows, no electricity, no indoor bathroom, to a home with it ALL. We appreciate these gifts of love for these faithful families.
Gospel Truth Conferences with Andrew Wommack:
The past few months, we have been blessed to go to Portland, Oregon and Atlanta, Georgia for the Gospel Truth Conferences with Andrew Wommack. The Word has been so powerful. It is such an honor, that we get to go and be a part of these meetings now for 11 years. They have transformed our lives in so many ways. First in our personal lives, to get to be there to hear the Word and see so many lives changed. Then for our missions, to get to share and get the children in our schools sponsored, plus offerings for homes and projects. We don’t have words to say how grateful we are to Andrew Wommack and his ministry. Because of his love for us and our missions, this has enabled us to be able to touch 1000’s and 1000’s of lives with the “good news” of the gospel. In May, we will be with them in Washington, DC. We love you dearly Andrew and Jamie!
Annual Ambassadors to the Nations Day:
About 3 years ago, we started what we call “Ambassadors to the Nations Day”. It takes place every year now on May 27th. We try to get as many of our partners and friends to wear their “Ambassadors to the Nations” T-shirt and take a picture and post it on Facebook. On Facebook, we ask people to share about sponsoring children with us for $10.00 a month. You can encourage them to go to our website for more information. This is to bring awareness about our missions and how the lives of so many children and youth are being changed because of Jesus. If you don’t have an Ambassadors to the Nations T-shirt, you can contact us by email or call our office to get one. It is only $5.00, plus $2.00 for shipping. To share your pictures on Facebook, just tag it to Ambassadors to the Nations or Karen Jolley. In the past years, we had 100’s and 100’s of people posting pictures from about 10 different Nations. Thanks for being a part of this SPECIAL DAY with us!!
Mission Trip to Nicaragua with the Charis Bible College Students:
By the time you get this newsletter, we will be in Nicaragua with some of the Charis Bible College students from Woodland Park, Colorado. We are always blessed to host the CBC students. They come so prepared to minister the Word, do dramas, share testimonies, pray for the sick, work in our schools and give out special things they bring down or all the Easter gifts from the container we shipped 9 weeks ago. They will have a BLAST getting to bless the children with the Easter gifts that our partners gave for on the last container. We will get lots of pictures to show in our next newsletter. Please remember us in your prayers. The CBC students will have a very busy schedule, plus the month of April is normally a very hot month. We know we will see a lot of salvations, baptisms in the Holy Spirit, people healed, and many lives changed forever.
We want you all to know how thankful we are for your continual support and love. One day in Heaven, we will all get to see the lives that have been changed through the gospel being preached by this mission’s program, because of partners giving to make this possible. We know this is ONLY GOD!! We could never do this in our own strength. We just know God has so many great things for us and Nations are truly Turning to God!! We love you all DEARLY!! You are in our PRAYERS!!
Reaching the Nations,